Write The Proforma of Project Report


Project Report 1


Proforma of Project Report:

Proforma for a Project Scheme for the Management of:

1) Introduction
Title/Name of the Firm
a. Scope.
b. Product ( give specification, viz,
c. Process.
d. Marketability.
e. Location.
f. Sources of finance/repayment schedule.

2) Scheme
a. Land & Buildings: Rs.
(owned/rented or leased)
b. Machinery and Equipment: Rs.
(give detailed specification/capacity/
imported or indigenous). For imported machine
allowances (for duty on imported items, dock
clearance charges, freight & insurance & local
fright.) Rs.
c. Testing Equipment
d. Other fixed investments:
1. Packing & forwarding charges.
2. Electrification & installation charges.
3. Cost of tools/jigs/fixtures.
4. Cost of office equipment.
e. Total Non-recuring expenditure (a) + (b) + (c) + (d)
f. 1Staff & labour:
1. Indirect labour nos. & wages/p.m.
2. Direct labour nos. & wages/p.m.
Total Salaries p.m. [1 + 2]
g. Raw materials & consumables
(Per month on single shift basis with specifications)
1. Indigenous.
2. Imported.
h. Other items of expenditure:
(Per month on a single month basis)
1. Power & water charges.
2. Advertising & travelling.
3. Transport.
4. Commission to distributors/agents.
i. Total recurring expenditure: (f) + (g) + (h)
j. Working capital for 3 months 3 * recurring expenditure.
k. Total investment required:
1. Non-recurring expenditure.
2. Working capital for 3 months.
l. Total Cost of Production:
1. Total recurring expenditure.
2. Depreciation on machinery & equipment.
3. Depreciation on building.
4. Maintainence charges
5. Interest on total investment.
6. Welfare for staff
7. Office stationary & postage, etc.
m. Profit & Loss Account:
1. By sale of …(qty.) of….@ Rs
Ex-factory exclusive of applicable taxes
2. Cost of Production (1)
3. Profit (1) – (2) approx. percentage of the total
Capital employed.

3) Profitability & Projections:
(generally for about 5 to 10 years)
Phase of activity
Profitability of phases
4) Infrastructure
1. Local advantage.
2. Availability of material/power/water/labour
3. Government policy
Break-even point
1. Fixed Costs:
(Executive salaries/depreciation/rent/interest
on investment & administration costs)
2. Variable Costs (direct labour/direct material/ income-tax/
commission & administration costs)
Item of cost Fixed + Variable Total
Materials Rs. Rs. Rs.
Labour Rs. Rs. Rs.
Other Rs Rs. Rs.

Q = F/ P – V
Where, Q= Break-Even Quantity.
F= Fixed Cost.
V= Variable Cost Per Unit.
P= Sales Price Per Unit.


5) Names & Addresses of Suppliers
1. Raw Materials.
2. Machinery & Equipment.

6) Remarks
Seal and Date (Signature of the Consultant)



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