XAT 2014 Exam Pattern


XAT 2014 Exam Pattern: XAT or the Xavier Aptitude Test conducted by XLRI Jamshedpur is the MBA entrance exam for XLRI and over 100 B-schools in India. It is considered to be the toughest MBA entrance exams.


Mode of XAT 2014 exam


XAT is a paper pencil based exam.




The exam pattern has undergone major changes since XAT 2013. In 2014 also there will be certain changes in the XAT 2014 exam pattern. The exam will consist of two parts, Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper 1 is objective paper with multiple choice questions. The sections of this paper are Verbal Ability, Decision Making, Quantitative Aptitude and General Awareness.


Number of Questions


The total number of questions in this part is not fixed. XAT 2013 had 91 questions. Prof. Vishwa Ballabh, XLRI Jamshedpur Admission Chairperson mentions that XAT 2014 will have around 80 to 90 questions.




The total duration of XAT 2014 exam will be 2 hours 40 to 45 minutes.


The Part 2 of XAT is subjective in nature. It consists of the Essay Writing section. The duration of the Essay Writing question was 20 minutes.


Marking scheme


Each question consists of 1 mark and for each wrong answer; there is negative marking of 0.25 marks.

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