Xbox One And Playstation 4 – The Future Of Console Gaming



Xbox One of Microsoft and Sony’ Playstation 4 were the latest version of these popular brand of gaming consoles launched few months back. Sometimes in technology one would feel that what next can be invented, it is perfect right now so what will be next but we know, every time there are new things invented and technology is every so growing market which seems to never stop. There were great expectations that these two next generation consoles will have some major changes as the previous one xbox 360 and plastation 3 were there from a long time and every gamer knows about it. Now the next generation of consoles has arrived so let’s have a look at what are the improvements from the previous ones.


With a whooping 8 core processor and 500 gm harddrive, 1080p HD display, with blueray drives it is pretty clear that these consoles are way better and any game can be played in it and the experience will be over the top for gamers. The games of these consoles are a bit low but releases will increase in a year or two as this consoles grow popular. Next games will be more enjoyable, with really good graphics, sound effects, awesome controllers just increases you enjoyment and that’s what’s important for a gamer right.

It is pretty clear that new consoles are better and improved versions of previous ones and it will get better and better.


– Jainam Jhaveri


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