Yashovardhan Bichu, Khalsa College


Name – Yashovardhan M Bichu

College – GN Khalsa College, Matunga, Mumbai

Tell us about yourself
Well, I am truly a happy go lucky and joyous kind of a guy but pretty much career oriented. I enjoy being with my friends and spending time with them. When it comes to studies, I am not very good at theory but I love making research projects. That’s the reason I have done 2 internship programs, one with SBICapSecurities and the other one with Lintas Media Group during the BMS program.

Tell us about your college
Khalsa might be known for fights and so called ‘MATTERS’ but what I have experienced is totally different. The students over here are really very friendly and approachable. Recently, the college got an A Grade with a CGPA of 3.22 (by NAAC). Presently, there are a lot of changes and modifications taking place in the infrastructure of the college to provide better services to its students. Personally, I am very happy to be a KHALSAITE.

When did you join BMS? Which year you are in?
I joined the course in 2008. Currently I am in the third (final) year.

What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?
Basically I am from Science background, but I was always inclined towards business administration, rather corporate world to be very precise from the very beginning. So, somehow I convinced my parents (who wanted me to pursue Engineering) to let me take this course. Now that I am doing well, they are very happy about my decision of pursuing BMS.

According to you, what is BMS all about?
I think, BMS is about knowing SOMETHING about EVERYTHING. By that, I mean, we study almost 38 subjects in 3 years. The subjects are of course interrelated and the course encompasses nearly all the aspects of management. At the end of the course, you may not have deep insights about a particular subject, but you are definitely aware of all the management functions and totally ready to enter the corporate world.

What’s special about your college? What do you love about it?
The Khalsa BMS/BMM Department, that’s what we call it. Our department is considered to be the most happening and active place in the college; this is because the student-teacher relation is totally different out here. Teachers are very friendly, approachable and helpful. The interaction between BMS and BMM is also very good. At least 2-3 events take place every year held by either BMS/BMM Department (RetroNama, Raawas, Parvaaz etc). Also, they take us for Industrial Visits every semester. So far our batch has been to Nasik, Silvassa, Goa, Manali and Mangalore. And ya, I just love everything about my college.

Who is your favorite teacher/faculty? Why?
No Favoritism as such. We have a Team of 5 Faculty Members (Permanent Faculty) and out of them 3 are senior members; Mr Praveish Vishwanath, Mr Yogesh Kolhatkar and Ms Simran Chawla. I like all of them. They are very good at the subjects they teach and all of them are highly qualified. They mention a lot of industry cases while teaching which I like the most.

What has BMS life taught you?
Let me be straight about this,

Lastly, while doing my internship I have learnt 1 more thing; this applies when you are an employee of a company,

What was the happiest moment in BMS? The saddest? The most memorable?
The happiest day was when Ms Simran Chawla (Faculty – Marketing) gave me a standing ovation for my presentation which was coincidentally on my birthday. The saddest has not come yet, maybe it is going to be the last day at college. The most memorable day was when Smt Shraddha Jadhav (Mayor, Mumbai) felicitated me for helping the college in the making of ReAccreditation Report submitted to NAAC.

Who in your life has influenced the most?
My elder brother is really like a role model to me. He is an Orthodontist now; very talented and brilliant guy. Good at studies as well as extracurricular activities. He was the University topper during his BDS as well as MDS. He is also the main author of a PG Entrance Exam Book (Dentistry). His achievements and support really give me all the inspiration and motivation needed.

As a BMS student, what changes would you like to bring in management education?
I think the courses should be more industry oriented. Students as well as parents are focusing more on the placements and pay packs rather than the quality of education. Management education should bring about a holistic development in the student and make him totally JOB-READY. More and more management institutes have come up. There is a need to standardize Management Education to ensure that every management student is getting similar knowledge and exposure.

What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?
BMS is a very good course I would say. But, it also depends on your approach and attitude. To be very frank it’s not at all difficult to clear the exams. What you really need is true determination and interest in learning something new each day, every day. Project making and individual assignments also help in bringing the best of you.

3 Questions you would like to ask an MBA?
1. Why MBA?
2. How has the course helped you?
3. 5 years down the line, where do you see yourself?

What are your future plans?
Pursuing MBA with Specialization in Human Resources from any of the decent institutes in Mumbai.

What are you expecting out of BMS?
To bring the best out of me.

How do you find BMS.co.in? What help should it provide in future?
I find the website very helpful and useful for BMS students and also for students planning to pursue BMS. The content really seems to be very good. The site is well designed.
Lastly, I want www.bms.co.in to become the first preference of the students who want to know about the course or BMS students who need any help. So, I think it should focus on all the possible doubts and queries which can crop up in one’s mind about BMS. And, lastly interactive and participatory activities can also add up to the benefits.

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  1. thrs noo inhouse quotta fr bms/bmm khalsa…. fr sikh minority d cuttoff goes as low as 70 to 65% and open its between 75 to 70%……..

    yashoooo youre awsomeee…. keep up d good work…!!!!

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