Yay! MU Exam Controller has been replaced!


In a token face-saving gesture following a series of exam-related goof-ups, the University of Mumbai has brought in Padma V Deshmukh, associate professor and vice principal of C H M College, Ulhasnagar, as controller of examination. She will take over from Deepak Wasave, in-charge controller of examination, with immediate effect from Thursday. Wasave is likely to go back to his old job as the deputy registrar.

In the span of one year, several men have been ousted and new officers brought in with the hope that the exam house and testing processes would be set in order. After Vilas Shinde was asked to vacate the post in January 2012, deputy registrar (administration) S M Suryavanshi was asked to take charge. Three months later, after the marketing and human resource management paper leaked, a new post of the director of examinations was created to spruce up exam work. Subhash Deo, principal of Gogate-Joglekar College, Ratnagiri, held this office till recently. After he went back to his college, Deepak Wasave was asked to hold the reins of the exam house.

Meanwhile, the university, which is in the midst of the examination mess, created a new post and brought back an old hand as advisor for exams last month. Prakash Wani, who was controller of exams between 2005 and 2007, has been brought back to the Kalina campus, this time as advisor for exams.


Source: The Times of India

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  1. congo to Padma V Deshmukh, associate professor and vice principal of C H M College, Ulhasnagar.

    very proud to hear this news…
    i am a proud student of chm college..

    gud luck mam

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