Yeah, You Can Be an Air Force Pilot, Right on Your Cell Phone!

The Indian Air Force on Thursday launched a sequel to its award-winning 3D mobile air combat game — “Guardians of the Skies” on the android, iOS and Windows mobile app stores hoping to attract the best talent for itself.The game puts players into a simulated world where they become IAF pilots and battle it out with a fictitious country called Zaruzia.
IAF launches sequel of its mobile air combat game
Chief of Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha, Air Officer-in-Charge, Air Marshal S Sukumar and assistant chief of Air Staff, Air Vice Marshal NK Tandon at the launch of phase II of the 3D Combat Mobile Game ‘Guardians of the Skies’ at the Air Force Auditorium, in New Delhi on Thursday. (PTI Photo)

In the game, the player undergoes flying training and subsequently gets engaged in combat missions in various aircraft types of the IAF fighters, transport and helicopter fleet.

The game has won the prestigious ‘Best Indian Game’ award from Microsoft on its windows application store, proving its popularity among gamers.

Take a bow IAF! For this awesome gameplay…

Click here to download it for your windows phone device.

Click here to download it for your android phone device.

Click here to download it for your iOS device.

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A big fan of Eminem. Nature Lover. Windows phone fan boy.


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