One More Blow For The BJP – Vijay Pandit No More!


After the death of Rural Development Minister Gopinath Munde in a road accident, another BJP leader Vijay Pandit was shot dead in Greater Noida! He was shot by 2 unidentified bike riders on Saturday night ie. 7th June, who fired 5 bullets at him! He was immediately rushed to Ghaziabad Hospital, where he was declared dead on arrival. Vijay Pandit’s family told they he had been getting continuous threats lately and when they complaint, the police didn’t take any action against it.

Meanwhile, angry BJP workers gathered there and protested against the firing incident by setting vehicles of innocent citizens who had nothing to do with this incident on blaze and caused traffic jams. Gautam Budh Nagar District Magistrate, AV Raja Mouli said that the situation has been brought under control but then where is the change here? Instead of seeing a progress in the system, we are here again and have to accept the deteriorating law and order.
Vijay Pandit was the Vice-president of Delhi Pradesh, BJP. First Gopinath Munde’s sudden death which was due to a “road accident and cardiac arrest” and now Vijay Pandit was shot.. wow.. now we are a little out of the fog, that it’s a conspiracy but the important question is who’s? Congress or BJP? And are we really going to see a “positive” change or get into worse situations? Do share what you think about this.

– Saloni Tolia.



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