You And I…..An Untold Love Story


Love Story

Love is finding that one person who lightens up your life in many different ways. Their presence itself makes you feel special. In the journey of life we find that special someone who we truly love and care for. But is it possible that the person whom we want to spend our entire life with can be with us till the end? Sometimes in life so many problems arise that we have to let go of the people we love. We are forced to compromise and realise the problems.

Love Story 1

This is a love story about a boy namedRihan and a girl named Krystle.Both of them were teenagers. It’s a story about how these two meet each other and how their life changes. Like any other teenager they also loved making new friends, meeting new people and visiting new places. Nowadays getting to know new people is very easy through social networking sites. They got to know each other for the first time through a social networking site. They started conversing with each other more often.  After few months of chatting they exchanged numbers. By now they were good friends but they never met each other personally. In order to get to know each other more, they decided to meet in a nearby café.  After that day their friendship grew even more. They started meeting each other and hanging out more often. 2 years passed by and now they were best friends. They knew each other so well. They had lots of similarities. Soon they realised that they had feelings for each other. One fine day rihan confessed that he really liked Krystle and would love to spend his entire life with her. She also wanted to be with him. So they both got into a relationship. They were really happy with each other. Months passed by years passed by and they were together since 3 years. They were a very loving couple and shared a unique bond of love. Things were fine when suddenly Krystle’s parents got to know about rihan. Her parents were very upset and told her that they did not like her being with Rihan because they wanted her to concentrate on making her career. Krystle was the only daughter and her parents had high hopes on her making their dream come true. They wanted her to become a doctor. That night was the worst night Krystle had ever gone through. She had to let go of that person whom she wanted to spend her entire life with. She stopped attending his calls and messages for few days. Later one day she thought that she had to let him know what the problem was. She called him up and told him to meet her in the same café were they met for the first time. The next day when they met she told him what the scene was all about. He was hurt badlybut he realised what Krystle was going through so he tried hiding his emotions and told Krystle even if we won’t get to be together I will always love you. They both knew the fact that they will never be able to forget each other but they had no choice. They decided that they will never meet each other again. After a few months Krystle’s parents sent her abroad to complete her studies. She came back only after 5 years and got to know that Rihan was married by now. The reason he got married was because his parents wanted him to settle in life. Few months later even Krystle’s parents got her married to a boy of their choice. They both moved on in life but they knew that it was just because their parents wanted them to do so. They knew that even though they are not together they will always be under the same sky and the love they had between each other will never die. They always had each other in their heart mind and soul forever.




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