You Are The King Of Your Life – Wanna Know How?


you are what you think

Humans are controlled not by anybody but by their own brains. We say you are a slave to your Wife or your mother or your husband. But actually no human can control and other human being. It is our individual choice which we make through our brains. Just to make it simple let me explain you the statement I mentioned above. If you are a Man who listens everything to what your wife says then people say you are slave to your wife. But it is just because you love the person and so just to make her happen you listen to her at the same time your entire body is controlled by your brain if your brain never signals you, you won’t listen to your heart…So what your heart says is actually because of your brains…So you choose to listen to her not that she force you. It is your brain that signals you to do it.

So here with this example we are only trying to prove a very simple point that is you are what you think. No other force human is responsible for what you are. Don’t we think before making decisions? Even if other force you to do it, isn’t the final decision yours?

We have a legendary example our own Cricketer Sachin Tendulkar. Is he become what he is due to somebody forcing him? No right….We all know that it is his passion his love for cricket and most importantly it is what he thought to achieve that today he is the example for Cricket to every rising star.

What happens when a person doesn’t do what he wants to and listen to others? Kumar is very talented who could become a Doctor but just because he didn’t live up on his thoughts and listened to others that today he is a clerk in an office and still regrets for not listening to his voice.

Imagine Amitabh Bachhan who would give up very easily when he initially got rejected would we have a BiG B, Sheanshah, Don and the other Million hits that he has give us. Would we have mighty Film star today? Same way, when you believe you are good for nothing then you yourself make the whole world think the same. You think you are fat you make the world believe and treat you the same. If you say you can’t study or become something then nobody on earth can help you.

So it all starts from you and it depends on you what path to give your life. The choice and the decision is always yours. So now it depends on you whether think positive and lead your life happily and for the good or Ruin your life with Negativity?

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