You Are The Known By The Company You Keep


Friends and family are the best company you can keep. The company that we have influence us in many ways. We adapt to the behaviour of everyone and also understand everything that they do. Every emotion, every feeling and every sentiment is understood so well. This is the reason why we become who we are and indeed our personality reflects and resembles other too. Since we all are human we are gifted certain attributes which are hereditary. Some children often eat from the left hand or use forks and spoons. It happens because one of your parents does the same. You inculcate the same habit. You don’t force yourself but it comes out automatically.

Friends can make your live beautiful and the same friends can make your life horrible. Are they really called your friends then? Friends influence you and try to change you for good. But not all people do that. You should be picky about your friends.

 You get influenced by friends in various aspects like . . .

  1. Attitude

Attitude can be defined the way you see things in life. Positive and negative are the two different types of attitudes. Your friends are the ones that influence your attitudes. Your attention changes as you spend more and more time with friends. They all have a different personality. Some innocent people land up becoming bad due to bad company. Attitude is a term in the younger generation wherein they think no end of themselves. It’s a sort of pride that is felt. Pride being one of the deadly sins in Catholics. However it applies to all other faiths and morally it is not right to have pride within yourself. You are not god, even god doesn’t have pride of being mighty then who are we just a bunch of his creations.

  1. Behaviour

Behaviour is the way you act. The way you treat other people. It is a way of behaving with others. The way you talk to people. Your behaviour reflects your personality. The way you react to a certain situation shows your personality. Some people are very calm while some are very aggressive. Some of them talk to others in a very sarcastic manner. This behaviour often irritates people. Your friends too can influence your behaviour. If they behave in a certain manner, you too tend to copy them.

  1. Thought process

When you have a set of nerdy friends you become like them. Even if you aren’t a nerd, you tend to get influenced by studying a little than usual. You also start researching and finding out stuff so that you stay at par with them. You’re thought process changes. If you stay with friends who are conservative, you too might end up thinking the way they think. If you are in the company of people who are modern for them things are so not as hyped up as the conservative friends are. If you develop this attitude you are trying to fit into the same set of people.

  1. Habits

Some people have good habits while some have bad habits. Habits are something that are developed from childhood and could be rebuilt. You also get influenced by your friends habits like smoking, drinking, drugs and partying aren’t that great habits that could be picked. There can be good habits like being disciplined, health and fitness conscious. Eating habits and many more things can be influenced by people.

  1. Lifestyle

Everyone has a different lifestyle. We all friends have a different standard of living and are brought up differently. Often peer pressure takes its toll on individuals. We try to match up the lifestyle our friends live. Just because she has an expensive apple I phone you ask your parents for one. Even though your phone is just two months old and your parents have put their hard earned money. Just because your friends eat at big restraunts doesn’t mean you too should do the same. Once in a while is fine not all the time. Your friends might be ungrateful later on do not over do so much in friendship that you get hurt later.

  1. Flirting

Flirting is a way of having fun with men and women. Fling can be physical and mental. You either flirt physically or mentally or both. You always have that one friend who flirts. Probably we all do but people who ruin the relationships of others are not good people. Flirting just to an extend is good. It is called being friendly when you are single but it is called flirting when you are in a relationship. A committed relationship should not have anything as flirting coming in the way of your relationship. We often see our friends flirting with other girls and so do we follow the same and cheat others by saying I am just having fun. It isn’t fun always; you never know your cheating the person who loves you and probably playing with the feelings and sentiments of other people.

Many people get destroyed in the bargain of making friends. You should have few friends but a good set of friends. Some people have friends who drink and smoke while they do not even touch alcohol. It’s all about self-control and keeping up to the morals and principles what you have practiced for years.

You may be very pure and innocent by it’s the society that looks at you in a different manner. You enter a bar with a bunch of friends who are hard-core buzzards. You just have a normal coldrink and they have hard drinks. Suddenly your next door neighbour uncle happens to see you what would you do at that moment. He may assume you too are like your friends who go to the bar to drink. He thinks of you in a different manner. Even though you haven’t drank. He will know you and judge you by the company you keep. One must be careful in the kind of groups they are put into. Now days there is this new trend of WhatsApp groups and you must be careful about which group you are added into as you too will be judged on the basis of the company you keep.


  • Carren bryne.

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