‘Youngsters Squeezed Sandwich’ – By Family Pressure!!!


We youngsters are the perfect archery hunt board when it comes to social relations. We are brutally shooted by all our friends, peers, siblings, relatives, teachers and the entire world. Whether the pin touches the board’s right corner or the top – it’s ultimately WE who are injured. All things are beard tiredly but we can never escape from the biggest haunt – PARENTS.

We all love our parents and bow a high stage of respect to them. But isn’t there arise situations when we sadly ought to hide things from them? Or agree for a unlike thing? We confront and try to represent ourselves and give a solution. Which is always slammed and we are being realized that yes we are still ‘small’ and our brain is still developing. There is no point of coming up with a dump innovative idea. We feel like the innocent, frustrated rat who then quietly bowing his head down goes to his small nest.



The fight of the ‘small’ and ‘big’ is now a matter of may be a century. We are ‘small’ when we think we are big enough to take life decisions on our own. We are ‘big’ when our room is messed up and we also have a master’s degree in messing up life things. We always have a headache thinking on this issue. And on the top there are big – authoritative or small – brainless bros and sis who add up the oil to the fire. You feel like a sandwich that’s perfectly squeezed.



The issue of money is another headache. Parents are right no doubt when They say”You don’t earn and don’t have the value of money or any other valuable things, you are spoon feeded with all necessity and over the top things, making vague decisions and attracting towards expensive things is in your blood” We all know we do not earn but our beloved parents can chill and give us a decent reason to calm down as well. Of course – I am not talking about the really spoiled broth who do not value a single thing and demand king size orders every minute. But the good ones when get trapped to this problems – it’s sad!

The good ones understand when to ask for a thing – but he is an imperfect human too. Is it right when His small mistakes isolates him to the land of fools and brainless people? But with due respect to parents and their love – the child gets squeezed.



Whether you have a small sister or you are the responsible eldest child or the middle bread you face those siblings situations and problems. I find the middle ones to be safe in this issue but there are a handful of families having more than 2 kids so let’s focus on the elder and the small bread. The honorable elder child has the responsibility of being brainy always. It would be the biggest sin if he/she has performed a wrong action/ decision. The long hours of lectures are always awaiting when the poor returns home. He is never happy with his respectable position. It’s only when he can order his small bro gives him the esteem pride. While on the other room the youngest child is always ignored on terms of decision makings. He is always given the decision with all dos and don’ts and is finished when he commits a mistake. The lecture includes things about his state of being small forever, lack of mental growth, etc.

NOTE: This things are not an everyday schedule. It arises when a certain, unplanned, unexpected problem takes place. It’s the bad day.

And if you notice why I am mentioning this alerts and warnings diplomatically – for If any parent is reading this. Leave all, what if my own mom read this? 😛



Now the issue which the entire world is facing badly – Demands of High positions above the child’s limits. Every parent expects that their child will give them all the pride of the world. In this greed – they are not aware of the pressure they input to the child’s brain to upgrade his original capability and push his limits. We no doubt need to push our limits but that has an age and situation as well. When we youngsters are self-motivated to push our limits -it works. The same when forcefully stated – always fails. A person’s will and core to the work and achieve the objectives is the most important. Parents expect good academic results and unintentionally end up in demanding ranks and a legal printed percentage.

We are frustrated, we give our best- but still seeing our parents unhappy makes us sad. But friends, don’t worry, it’s not your fault. Your parents will understand not immediately but at the right time. Talk to them and say your weaknesses and that you can’t push your limit to the great extent. After all the elastic band too breaks at a point when stretched. And it hurts too.



Whether it’s a simple family occasion or a big wedding we always counter the cousin’s race and not only that be the consistent winner. We have to behave well-mannered, best dressed, and it’s not enough to jealous the aunties and win the talk of the night but also score highest at least among all cousins in a board exam, be in a reputed institution and also pursue a challenging course. And the comparison never fades. I am awaiting for the day when our sandwiches will be eaten up finally.

All facts revealed! But behind this we also know our parents love us, struggle to give us the best life and they want us to succeed and be the better humans tomorrow and most important – make them proud. It’s the birth right of every child too. But when you are squeezed and feel the sandwich is bursting out – you can hold your guts and talk to your loving parents always. They will understand you. Pat you if you are right. Even if you are wrong they have the right path for you.

Best of Luck!



–          SANGITA MAITY.


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