10 Signs You And Your Phone Need Some Space.



1. Your anxiety over running out of battery is real and debilitating.

26 Signs You And Your Phone Need Some Space

2. So you always have a charger on you, and have no problem seeking out the closest outlet.

26 Signs You And Your Phone Need Some Space

3. God FORBID you leave your phone at home.

26 Signs You And Your Phone Need Some Space

4. Your friends, family, and significant other have accused you of not “being in the moment.”

26 Signs You And Your Phone Need Some Space

5. But you argue that you ARE in the moment — it’s just that the moment is made up of a really engaging text conversation.

26 Signs You And Your Phone Need Some Space

6. You’ve laughed out loud or gasped about something you read on your phone, and then tried to explain it to the people in your company.

26 Signs You And Your Phone Need Some Space

7. You sleep with your phone in your bed, and it’s the first thing you grab in the morning.

26 Signs You And Your Phone Need Some Space

8. You take your phone to the bathroom.

26 Signs You And Your Phone Need Some Space

9. You whip out your phone for that brief moment of service when you’re crossing the bridge on the subway, even though, like, what are you going to do with those two minutes.

26 Signs You And Your Phone Need Some Space

10. You’ve walked into something or someone while texting.

26 Signs You And Your Phone Need Some Space



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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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