Your 2014 Zodiac Horoscope – GaneshaSpeaks’ Annual Predictions


zodiac signs

Aries ( 21st March to 20th April )

The year 2014 begins on a positive note for you, and you can be sure of being in an enthusiastic, raring-to-go mode, as the year begins. However, it is still advisable that you go slow. Avoid being impulsive, since there is a possibility of you committing an error of judgement. As far as your love life is concerned, uncertainty and tentativeness may continue to prevail, for most part of the year ahead. In fact, according to Ganesha, love matters may actually become a cause of concern for you. Beware! For this may also cause resultant ripples in your professional life – leaving you clueless or confused. On your career front, there will be some definite movements – which may also mean a new assignment, a change that will be, most likely, pleasant. Ganesha also predicts that your career may take a specially positive turn, during the last few months of the year 2014. Financially, you may face problems during 2014, especially as there may be some issues regarding the balance between inflow and outflow of cash. Cut down unnecessary expenditure!

Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May )
Opportunities and challenges are a part and parcel of life. This year, you need to be ready to tackle them both with full and equal enthusiasm. More so, because with success some failures are foreseen too in 2014 for you. Be confident, otherwise the setbacks may seem more disappointing than they actually are. Plus, if you lose momentum, you may only take more time to acquire back the momentum. Matters of the heart may be somewhat dull and boring, during the initial few months of 2014. You will also need to put in enough efforts to nurture your relationship and make it stronger. Financial security is of utmost importance to you, and in all likelihood, you will try and strengthen your financial stability in the coming year. The rising value of your investments may be much helpful in this endeavour. As for your career, Ganesha says that you will need to positively accept the change to make your growth as a professional more visible. Success and fame may not come right away, though. Business shall function smoothly.

Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June )
During the year 2014, you need to take a good care of yourself. Ensure at all times that your health and energy levels are in top shape, or the other aspects of your life may get adversely affected. In the matters of heart, this doesn’t seem to be a very exciting year, especially if you happen to be single or unattached at the moment. Occasional romance, flings and flirty exchanges may come your way, but a serious relationship is not on the platter in 2014. However, if you are married or are in a committed relationship, you may have a wonderful time with your beloved – the going shall be smooth, in short. You will try to strengthen your bond, and shall come closer to each other. In matters other than theses, the planetary positions strongly suggest that you keep a close watch on your finances, or a financial crunch may become unavoidable. Competition on the business front may get fiercer during 2014, hence ensure that you make foolproof strategies. Take career-related decisions only after considering all the pros and cons. A work change may be unavoidable, but avoid furious job-hopping at all costs!

Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July )
Family and finances shall take the centre-stage for the better part of the year. If you are single, be prepared to wait for some more time to meet your soul-mate. Well, there will be some romantic encounters but none of them is likely materialise into a serious relationship. Those in a committed relationship may find stars in their favour if they take their relationship to the next level this year. Financially, you will be in a much better position during 2014. On the business front, you may have to take risks to expedite growth. But the decision to push your luck may be a delicate one as your progress is at stake. Look before you leap, advises Ganesha. On the job front, the year ahead may prove to be a favourable one as the planetary alignment indicate that salary increment and promotion are in store for you. You may also consider changing your career altogether. However, don’t take an impulsive decision about it.

Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August )
You may go through some major changes in the coming year and some long-cherished dreams may now be realised. The planetary positions indicate a love affair in your life, so if you have feelings for someone, go ahead and propose to them, and get ready to embark on an amorous, romantic journey. However, for the married ones, the going may get tough this year, especially owing to certain domestic matters, which may cause conflict. The first half of the year is not very favourable for monetary matters too. Ganesha strongly advises you to be careful with your finances, and urges you to banish any thoughts of taking loans to invest in get-rich-quick schemes. On the business front, you may be tempted to push your luck and introduce some experimental strategies. Behold, for the first few months of the year may not be very helpful. However, the scenario may change during the second half of 2014, so you can shift gears then. Be patient! Similar may be the case on the career front. Avoid any impulsive decision regarding your career issues.

Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd September )

Ganesha predicts that you will kick start the year on a positive note. During the first half of 2014, your love life may blossom. In fact, there is a strong possibility of you falling head over heels in love. If you are married, spend quality time with your spouse and work on your relationship even if there may be no major problems at this point in time. Financially, you will find yourself in a much better position during 2014. However, keep in mind that the outflow of cash may increase after July.  Hence, you better create enough cash reserves before that. Plan your budget in such a way that you don’t have to ask for monetary help when the expenses shoot up. Since Saturn is transiting through your charts, business growth may be much slower than your expectations. You should avoid risks, and take the tried and tested route on the business front. The transiting Saturn may also affect the job front and slow down your progress.

Libra ( 23rd September to 22nd October )
The planetary alignment indicate that you will have trouble controlling your temper during the year ahead. Be very careful of your words and actions as even petty issues may go out of hand in no time. As far as your love life is concerned, there will some ups and downs during year 2014. Be unbiased and practical while sorting out issues with your beloved, else you will not be able to stop things from going bad to worse. This year, you need to be very clear about how you are going to handle your finances. According to Ganesha, you should pay special attention to your spendings and cash outflow. Whereas for your business, it may prove to be an excellent year. In all likelihood, you will come across lucrative business opportunities. The transiting Jupiter may bring you a favourable period on the career front in the form of a promotion or an increment. Well, be prepared to accept more responsibilities.

Scorpio ( 23rd October to 22nd November )
Ganesha foresees you making sincere efforts to organise your life and be disciplined. However, your hard-work may not fetch expected results. You may wish to propose to someone special and get into a serious relationship. But it is advisable that you first ensure that you two are compatible enough. Some sort of uncertainty may creep in your married life. You may need to handle the relationship very carefully, else the differences may widen the abyss (if any) between you. Financially, you will have a smooth sailing during the year ahead. However, don’t take the good times for granted. Besides, a lot will depend on your ability to manage money when expenses shoot up just out of nowhere. The growth of your business may be very slow and disappointing to an extent. On the job front, you may expect rewards and recognition for your hard-work and sincerity. A promotion or an increment is foreseen, but be patient.

Sagittarius ( 23rd November to 21st December )
The first few months of year 2014 may be quite dull. However, things will gradually gain some pace and soon you may find yourself busy with matters related to finance, family and work commitments. The year ahead may prove tricky for your married life as there are chances that you will have a tough time maintaining your loyalty towards your spouse. There may be temptations, instigating you to stray from your relationship path. Watch out! Saturn’s transit through the 12th House from your Sign may make it difficult for you to strike a balance between inflow and outflow of cash. Cut down on unnecessary expenditure to dilute the intensity of the issue. Nevertheless, it may be an auspicious period for your business. However, pay enough attention to the financial aspect of your business. At work, you will get a number of opportunities to showcase your skills and creativity, foresees Ganesha. Make the most of this favourable period!

Capricorn ( 22nd December to 20th January )
Workaholic that you are, there is a strong possibility that you may become highly ambitious this year, and may end up putting everything else on the sidelines. This imbalance between your professional and personal life may create a communication gap between you and your loved ones. If you desire to get into a serious relationship, avoid popping the question during the first three months of 2014. Also, the first quarter of 2014 may be rather tricky for those in committed relationships. Hence, handle matters related to your love life tactfully and maturely. In business, you may remain confused about what to do next. Rather than leaving it all to chance, you should trust your abilities and decisions, and take definitive action. The negligible movements and momentum on the work front, though, may make you want to change your job. Ganesha suggests that you should first focus on your current job, and make adjustments according to the demands of your job profile. However, make sure that your co-workers don’t take you for granted, or treat as you a pushover.

Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February )
During the course of the year 2014, you may become more open-minded, gaining respect for your changed outlook and attitude. This enhanced positivity will affect all the other areas of your life. Whether you are single or married, you will enjoy a wonderful time on the love front. However, as far as the financial matters are concerned, an average year is foreseen for you. You will end up getting involved in a number of activities to generate more income. But, in all likelihood, only a few of these endeavors will actually increase your income. On the business front, you will chalk out some expansion plans, deciding and itching you to put these plans in practice at the earliest. However, Ganesha advises you to put those plans on hold – as the planets are not favorably aligned for your business. At work, there may be some disappointments and many a times, you may not be  rewarded or appreciated for your hard-work and sincerity. But, it is advisable that you stay focused and objective despite such setbacks.

Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March )
The year ahead may bring some tough challenges for you, but if you channelize your energies in the right direction, you will be able to deal with the tough times in a much better manner. When it comes to matters related to your love life, you hardly listen to anyone. Ganesha suggests that you should utilize the year ahead to resolve your love life related issues. Financial matters too shall be handled carefully. Plan your expenses, set a budget for them and avoid shopping sprees by all means, and you will be just fine. Business may fetch substantial profits, and it is recommended that you save some money now, instead of pumping them back in the business. The savings will help you absorb losses or lower profits nicely. As for your career, Ganesha predicts that things may drastically change post June 2014. If you are offered a job that requires you to relocate to another city, check all the pros and cons of your decision, before accepting the offer and making a major move.


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