Your Guide To Choosing The Perfect BB Cream!


bb cream guide

BB Creams work as our saviors umpteen times but do we know how to select them?

-Women in their 20-30’s should opt for a thinner consistency and luminescent/glowy qualities. These formulas aren’t as moisturizing typically, but the thinner solution absorbs better into younger more firm skin. The coverage is also noticeably less with a thinner cream, but you’ll still get an even skin tone and a dewy complexion.

-Women in their 40’s+ should go for a full coverage BB cream that offers anti-aging ingredients such as Vitamin C and sunscreen protection. These thicker formulas will give more moisture to mature skin and will also help reduce the look of pore size, fine lines and pigmentation.

1- Do you want to wear a BB cream alone, or are you intending to layer it with other makeup?

Either way is fine, just be clear on what it is you expect from the cream- you won’t be happy if you expect full coverage and don’t get it from the BB cream alone. And on the opposite end if you want a quick glow without much coverage, you’ll be disappointed with a richer formula. Decide what your goal is and pick the cream that supports that, for the best results.

2- Will you use a separate SPF protector or do you want an all-in-one?

You should be using a SPF everyday anyway, but you can eliminate a step if you use a combination BB cream. Just remember that the SPF ingredients do add a scent and more thickness (not necessarily coverage though) to the consistency of the cream.

3- Does the climate or time of year change the amount of moisture you need?

You may need to adjust your brand during different times of the year when humidity and temperature fluctuate. Be prepared to step up your moisture in the cold dry winter or to opt for a matte cream in the heat of the summer for better results.

4- Do you have a skin tone that is outside (too light or too dark) of the standard BB cream shades?

Most BB cream lines come in 3-5 shades and are more of a ‘one-size-fits-most’ type product because they are designed to enhance not to cover. Unfortunately, this may mean that a BB cream is not right for you, if your skin lives outside those lines. Boo- but you can achieve a similar product by mixing your standard foundation with a lightweight moisturizer or serum.

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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