Smoky is Sexy: Your Guide To The Perfect Smoky Eyes!


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Doing a seductive, sultry smoky look isn’t as difficult as it seems to be. With just a few sweeps, you can take your makeup from ordinary to extraordinary by following these eye makeup tips.

They are sultry, seductive and will help you turn up the heat. They go hand in hand with black dresses and candlelight. The smoky eye can work on anyone; just follow these formal eye makeup tips to create a steamy focal point.

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Tap a thin layer of concealer under eyes from corner to corner and set with powder. Line lids on the top and bottom with a dark brown or black liner. Apply brown or black shadow into entire crease of eye.

Start blending. Just when you think you’ve blended your eye shadow enough, you need to blend again, and again, and yet again. Smudge the eyeliner on both the top and the bottom with your shadow brush. Layer two to three coats of dark brown or black mascara.

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Stay neutral on the cheeks, pick a peach or rosy pink blush. Finish with a ripe peach lip color or pink gloss to soften the intensity.

The smoky look can make you look dramatic and really glamorous.Adding a nude lip color with it will give you the perfect celebrity smoky makeup look.

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Do not fear that it will look too much or exaggerated. If you follow,the simple steps you are sure to look extremely sizzling and jaw-dropping. Whether it is a date or you are simply mamboing the night,the smoky eyes will perfectly give you a ultra-simple look. So keep trying for yourself and become a pro at it!

– Misbaah  Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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