Your Ideal Picnic Look!



We all spend a considerable amount of time pondering over what to wear!  Be it a casual afternoon, a lunch date or a brunch with friends we wish to look truly bewitching and elegant. Here are tips to help you style your look for a picnic or a relaxed affair. Playful colors, prints, and accessories keep picnic wear fun and chic.

1) Skip dresses and skirts in favor of shorts; they’ll prove to be much smarter for sitting on the ground. Wear high-waisted denim shorts with a cuffed hem for a sweet vintage feel.

2) Opt for a dreamy lace top to add some sophistication.

3)For shoes, go grab pretty white flats that are simple to kick off  when you want to feel the grass between your toes.

4) As for glares, the perfect choice for you are the tortoise stunners to add on to make you drop-dead gorgeous.

5) Choose a chic cross-body bag which will enable you to be comfy.

6) As for makeup, keep it extremely minimal. You can add rosy hue to your lips which adds soothing moisture too.

7) A light summer dress will also go well for a picnic look.

8)Add hues pink for your lips to add to a flirty look.

9) You can try tying a scarf like a hair band with a knot at the top of the head ,to the hair-band above.Choose bright florals or cute conversational prints.

10) Sun hats are also a option as they provide your face with sun protection as well as transform your look from ordinary to remarkable,


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Riya Lokhande


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