Youth and Politics



‘Politics’ often defined as the last resort of a scoundrel, a devil’s game, Insalubrious with all its problems India survives as a single state with democratic character but a number of political problems still exist and remain unsolved in India.

Education is a part of politics. Politics is a part of education. It is not possible to divorce one from the other in a democracy. After all good citizenship is the best part of education; and good citizens are not the dumb-driven cattle in democracy. They are people who understand politics and actively participate in constitutional institution. For this the youth should be encouraged to take active part in politics. There is no reason why students should be deprived of education in political matters and understanding their rights with so much happening around them.

Politics should be a major topic of discussion in the youth in order to have firsthand knowledge of the situation and conditions prevailing in the country. It is far more important than matters that seem so full of life at this age. Politics is the negation of all educational values as we picture it but to bring a change there should be utmost importance of understanding politics and then implementing the right choices by being a part of it.

The recent elections have suddenly got the youth all interested in politics. Be it the Modi sarkar or the once very efficient Congress Party or the AAP for common man, it has got every individual to analyze and decide for themselves what should be the best government for India for the next 5 years. Pictures of that index finger with ink got viral on social media just like the politicians. What is important is to not just be a proud citizen for casting vote but to keep in touch with what happens next, of how the new government works, have a know-how, make opinions, bring a change or be a part of one as the political spirit prevails in every race of human life.


– By Pranchal


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