Youth organizations converge to understand Social Leadership

With the BMC elections in background, youngsters representing over 15 different organizations and colleges converged for the 1st Social Leadership Summit. Organized by The Blue Ribbon Movement, in association with the NSS Unit of Ramnarain Ruia college, the summit was on the theme, ‘The Leadership Mumbai Needs’.

Organized in a TED-like format, it got together 10 speakers from diverse disciplines giving each speaker 18 minutes to share their key lessons in leadership, and how they can be applied to solve the issues facing the city. This was also an opportunity for the youth organizations present (India against Corruption, iVolunteer, NSS, Rotaract) to network with each other and the speakers.

Each talk explored a different facet of leadership. Shonan Kothari, who organized the CST Flash mob took the audience through her journey of making it happen. She spoke about the meticulous planning, the surprising co-operation of Railways and what it meant for her as a leader. Gerson D’Cunha and Shyama Kulkarni from AGNI spoke about their personal stories of creating change in the city – the essence of their message was that if good people don’t do anything about things going wrong, they are at fault.

India Against Corruption was represented by Ruben Mascherenas, who gave a passionate speech around the challenge of solving social problems as leaders. Vivek Asrani, the founder of Association of Youth for a Better India shared a structured framework for change makers. Citing the example of Tansen’s guru, who sang better than Tansen because he sang for God, Vivek explained that the greater the purpose, the greater the strength.

Shaheen Mistri from Akansha Foundation gave her lessons wrapped in touching stories. ‘Give even if it hurts’, she said, in a deeply reflective and honest talk. Ranjit Shetty of Chanakya Institute of Public Leadership gave 9 steps to Leadership, as explained by Chanakya. Prerana Langa from ICICI Foundation gave a corporate angle to leadership while Manjeet Kriplani provided an international perspective to the city.

“The lineup of speakers was amazing – give us a lot to think about. Its really nice of them to spare their time and energy for us”, said Satej, a participant. This summit is a part of a longer run initiative of Blue Ribbon Movement, called ‘My Mumbai’ which seeks to increase the civic engagement in the city.

“Youth organizations need to align their efforts if they want to make a measurable difference to the city. The summit is also a starting point of us collaborating to take on greater challenges”, said Abhishek Thakore, founder of The Blue Ribbon Movement.

For more information, please contact Akshat Singhal on 9821111102

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