Youtube Watch: It’s TED’s Turn To Inspire!



Most of us do know what YouTube is but not many of us now that apart from spoofs, epic fails, trailers.YouTube  has much more to it and an example of something big that we are missing is TED stands for TECHNOLOGY, ENTERTAINMENT and DESIGN the TED channel on YouTube does convey what it stands for ‘Ideas worth spreading ‘where one video is better than the other .Enlisted here are a few must watch videos on TED.

>> Simon Anholt : Which country does the most good for the world?

Simon anholt

We claim to be ardent followers to think local and act Global. But what better good have we achieved in doing so ??A globalised aim should be development of each and every country in the world .If there is a global calamity one needs to have a global understanding to tackle the problem there indeed should not be a rat race to reach on top and peace negotiations as a matter of code of conduct among countries.

>> TED Talks – Understanding the rise of China by Martin Jacques

martin jaques

According to a prediction by Goldman Sachs china will be an Equivalent counterpart to United States .Watch how a developing country transformed itself with evident obstacles and is an Economic Superpower to this day.

>>Mariana Mazzucato: Government — investor, risk-taker, innovator


Ever wondered why really cool companies such as google, apple , and Face book are from United States of America .A perfect example to ponder what exactly could be the relationship between private innovators and development of the economy as a whole.

Hence it stands true to its words the above videos are indeed ‘Ideas worth spreading’.

– Khyati Kotitan.


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