YTN Global Event week from Oct 17th to 23rd


Dear YTN members,

This month, YTN continues its plans to touch a particular group of community helpers who impact our lives daily, yet get little recognition for it. From *17th – 23rd October*, YTN requests each of you to do a small, yet meaningful gesture for the CAB , AUTO, TUKTUK, HAND RICKSHAW ETC. DRIVERS. Examples of kind gestures include: verbally appreciating their effort, giving them a monetary tip, offering them a bottle of water or food during your journey, stopping on the way and getting an icecream or choclate for them and eventually passing on YTN card so that they can take the energy forward. YTN leaves the idea up to you, but truly hopes you will make it a point to participate and pass on the YTN card. Remember, a small deed goes a long way! Help spread kindness

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