Yummy Fluffy Ricotta Pancake Recipe


 Fluffy Ricotta Pancake

Fluffy Ricotta Pancakes :-

Extra-fluffy with creamy, custard-like middles — ricotta pancakes are something you need to try tout suite! They make an elegant alternative to your usual Saturday morning fare, and are a good excuse for adding ricotta to your shopping list.

The ricotta keeps the finished pancakes really moist. I also added a little vanilla for flavor, although you could add a teaspoon or two of lemon juice and some zest instead – lemon and ricotta seem to be paired together often! A drizzle of honey or a handful of berries would be great, too.

Makes :8 to 10 pancakes

Ingredients :

1 cup ricotta cheese

1 cup flour

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1 1/2 tablespoons sugar

1/8 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup milk

2 eggs, separated into yolks and whites

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Butter, for the pan

Directions :

If your ricotta seems to have a lot of liquid, set it in a fine mesh strainer to drain off excess liquid about 30 minutes before you start cooking. If your ricotta seems fairly dry and compact, you can skip this step.

Whisk together flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt in a small bowl. Combine ricotta, milk, egg yolks, and vanilla in a separate, larger mixing bowl. Add the dry ingredients to the ricotta and milk mixture, stirring gently until just combined.

Beat the egg whites with a handheld electric mixer until stiff. Stir a small scoop of the egg whites into the pancake batter to lighten the batter, then fold in the remaining whites with a spatula.

Heat a griddle over medium-high heat. Melt a small bit of butter in the pan, just enough to coat the surface. Use a 1/3-cup measure to pour batter onto the hot griddle. Cook the pancakes for about 3 or 4 minutes, until the undersides are golden and you see a few bubbles popping through the pancakes. Flip the pancakes and cook another 2 to 3 minutes, until golden. Repeat with the remaining pancakes.

Serve the pancakes immediately, with maple syrup, fruit jam, lemon curd, or powdered sugar.

– Pratiksha Trivedi

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