Yuvraj Walmiki’s Dream Comes True!!


Yuvraj Walmiki an aspiring and talented hockey player got the opportunity to play as a part of the Indian Hockey Team for World Cup which will be held in Netherlands scheduled to begin from Saturday. Yuvraj initially being left out from the squad after knowing that he is being selected again is going through a bitter-sweet moment.


The reason being this mixed emotions is though he is very happy knowing that now finally he will get the opportunity to showcase his talent in the world-cup tournament which is a very huge platform but at the same time feeling extremely sorry for his good friend Nikkin Thimmaih who sustained a hamstring pull on the right side during the training, Doctors have advised him complete bed rest for four weeks thus resulting him ruling out from the mega event.


Yuvraj Walmiki will be now playing in the place of Nikkin Thimmaiah in the world cup tournament. It seems this time luck is not with the team with its good players getting injured back to back starting with striker Ramandeep Singh and now Nikkin.  “I m really sad for Nikkin and this not how i wanted things to happen but I’m happy that I’ll finally get to live my dream of taking part in a World Cup for my country” – says Yuvraj. Yuvraj seems to be mentally and physically prepared to take up the challenge.


We wish all the very best to Yuvraj for his future expectations and hope that he fills the nation with pride.


– Burhan Fatehi


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