Zenildo Dias, K.M.Agrawal College


Name – Zenildo Dias
College – K.M.Agrawal

About Myself – I’m a fun loving person, love parties and competition. First love is my guitar, I LOVE music, e-specially slow numbers. I love to host shows, gives me a place to talk :p A social worker, male rep of DYC, Bombay youth group. and I love making friends.

About My College – It’s a far-off place, but I love it… faculty is quite ok, just searching to bring about reforms in various areas to be the best. Faculty co-operation is not to the mark, but the students’ mind is quite strong.;) Special – I love the interaction between the seniors and the juniors.

About BMS – When – Currently pursuing my S.Y.BMS, joined in 2009, and had a crush on it! Why – My interest in business world, n of course, the introduction lecture of the year. What – “fun with studies”.. naa.. It’s mainly about grooming yourselves into business material.

Fav Faculty – Without a doubt, Mr. Mahendra Pandey and also Mr. Sujit Sing, because study is explored beyond books! It’s Fun!!!

BMS life – Management, Organization of work, confidence, and interaction… it’s given me a glimpse of the corporate world.

BMS Moments – Happiest Moments are The contests we won, the team efforts, the best college trophy, and all friends’ party. I don’t like to commemorate sad stuffs.

Inspiration of my Life – My cousin, Miss. Fiona Lopes. A gr8 achiever and a motivator!!

Changes in BMS – Make it a bit more lively, happening, fun, interesting and practical…

Advice to BMS aspirant – Be dedicated!!!!!!!!

3 Questions to an MBA?

–       What’s your motivation?

–       How did you do it?

–       Will you train me?

My Future Plans – Flow with the currents

Expecting from BMS – Take me where I belong!

Feedback for BMS.co.in – Just entered… reviews when in acquainted with it!

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